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Irish Cream Cold Brew Recipe with Torani

An easy and indulgent coffee recipe!


  • 8 oz Cold Brewed Coffee
  • 1 oz Torani Irish Cream Syrup
  • 1/4 Cup Heavy Cream
  • 1/4 tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 1 tsp Cocoa Powder to garnish


  • Whip heavy cream, vanilla extract, and 1/2 oz of Torani Irish Cream Syrup together using a cocktail shaker, whisk, or blender (I used a cocktail shaker). Whip to soft peaks or even less!
  • Mix cold brew coffee with the other 1/2 oz of Torani Irish Cream Syrup.
  • Fill one tall glass or two short glasses with ice and pour cold brew mixture in, leaving room for cream.
  • Top coffee with whipped cream, then sift cocoa powder on top to garnish and enjoy!